Correct Diagnosis is the cornerstone for rational treatment of any type of pain and to improve chances of a successful treatment. Our doctor offers full satisfaction to the patient by giving them adequate time for a patient hearing and at length consultation.
A detailed evaluation by our doctor in form of relevant history combined with thorough clinical examination. All patients presenting with chronic pain should have a documented history and physical examination and an assessment that ultimately supports a chosen treatment strategy.
After making a working diagnosis some specific tests or investigations like X-rays, MRI or CT scans, Electro diagnostic studies may be advised if deemed appropriate to establish clinical diagnosis before starting the treatment.
A treatment plan is devised based on the likely diagnosis and the details of options available for an individual patient are discussed with him/her and the family.
Sometimes there may be confusion regarding the exact source of pain pointing to more than one. In such cases a diagnostic or test block may be useful in establishing the source as a pain generator. More definitive and long-term treatment can then be determined based on the result of this test block.

Since there are so many different causes of pain, there cannot be a single plan for everyone. An individualized treatment plan is developed based on assessment of patient’s current condition and presence of any other co-morbidity.Read More